
Academic Publications

Personal Contributions

  • Moritz Böker, “Navigation Strategies for Passively Articulated Mobile Robots Based on Path Planners Existing in ROS”, Master’s Thesis at Heilbronn University, 2022, Link
  • Moritz Böker, Benedict Bauer, “Laserscan-only approaches for mobile robots navigating in- and outside simulated maize fields”, 2021, Link
  • Moritz Böker, “Konzeption und Umsetzung eines Low-Cost-Roboterarmes”,
    Bachelor’s Thesis at Heilbronn University and Innok Robotics Ltd., 2019, (no publication allowed)
  • Moritz Böker, “Greiferkonzipierung für die Handhabung von Gasdruckfedern”,
    Project Documentation at Heilbronn University, 2017, Link
  • Moritz Böker, “Construction, implementation and testing of a positive pressure granular gripper for robotic applications”, Term Paper at Heilbronn University, 2017, Link